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Fall Events: A Season of Networking, Learning, and Growth

July 25, 2024

Why it is smart to start investing in the stock market?

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Should I be a trader to invest in the stock market?

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What app should I use to invest in the stock market?

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Is it risky to invest in the stock market? If so, how much?

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Tell us if you are already investing in the stock market

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Throughout this fall season, the Wavelynx team journeyed across the United States, attending a series of significant events. These events encompassed the Global Security Exchange, CRETech, ACS23, and CONSULT. During our travels, we had the privilege of forging connections with prominent industry leaders, and we brought back to Colorado invaluable insights and lessons from each of these gatherings.


Many of our team members took flight to Dallas, Texas in September to participate in the Global Security Exchange, a conference designed for the global security community to connect and collaborate. Showcased in lots of our partners' exhibits, Wavelynx took a different approach to this event by making a space for deeper conversations in our meeting rooms. Wavelynx attendees enjoyed networking at this event, specifically with app providers to learn what they do past NFC Wallet.

Wavelynx team members conversate while in our meeting room at GSX.

Discussions around NFC Wallet and mobile credentials were common and it was evident to our team how this technology is an emerging trend of access control right now.

“It was interesting how many people were explicitly discussing NFC Wallet. The forefront of conversation was about NFC Wallet.” - Mitch Cain, Sales Apps Engineer  

This conference brought leaders together and allowed them the opportunity to gain insight into the current trends, and discuss where access control might go in the future. Our team enjoys the opportunity to travel to a new city each year, discuss industry trends, and interact with some of our partners in-person at this event.


Our Director of Business Development, Eric Brinks, ventured to New York to attend CRETech, a commercial real estate event, where he participated in the Access Control Village. The Access Control Village created a dedicated space for conversation surrounding access control in relation to commercial real estate. This acted as an access control ecosystem and interactive experience for attendees.

Wavelynx Director of Business Development, Eric Brinks, presents in the Access Control Village at CRETech.

Brinks gave presentations surrounding Hardware Interoperability and the Adoption of NFC Wallet in Multifamily. Multifamily building owners appreciated our interoperable NFC Wallet solution, so they are not locked into one brand of access control. Another big topic of discussion as a whole was the experience of the user being a larger focus than ever before. NFC Wallet enhances tenet experience and multifamily industry leaders are appreciating that NFC Wallet is now an option. The event created a space for us to support our partners in the conversations that they are having in the multifamily landscape.


ACS23, held in Washington DC, is a specialized event specific to access control within the security industry, which allows for deeper conversations surrounding access control. This event was attended by our president,  Rob Lydic, our Director of Business Development,  Eric Brinks, and our Director of Product Integration Support, Jeff Buzan. Lydic participated in an impactful panel discussing The Value Creation Beyond the Wallet.  

The team commented that it was powerful and valuable to have a jam packed day full of presentations and conversation surrounding access control. Some topics of discussion include the security industry in 5-10 years, NFC Wallet, the future of access control within the real estate industry, inclusion within access control, and many others.

This event was attended by high level executives, which was noteworthy for our team.

“These are presidents and CEOs and owners, and their next level folks, and that’s something that you never really get to see all in one room. This entire event was about emerging trends. These are the people that are building the future of access control.” - Brinks

When asked about the biggest takeaway from the event, the team stressed that it was ’refreshing’ and they appreciated being able to have the deep conversations.

“My biggest takeaway was the opportunity to have real conversations with other leaders in the access control world where we can discuss what’s really happening in our business and what we can do to make it better. It was the highest density of access control executives assembled.” - Lydic


Lydic traveled to Louisville, Kentucky for Wavelynx’s final event of the fall season, CONSULT. This gathering is within the consulting industry and aims to bring together consulting professionals within the security sector for networking and speaker presentations.

During the event, Lydic contributed his insights during a panel discussion that revolved around the theme of ‘The End-User as a New Stakeholder.’

This marked the first-ever presence of Wavelynx at CONSULT, and it proved to be an exceptionally valuable opportunity. It allowed us to engage in meaningful conversations with consultants, enabling the exchange of information and insights.

We introduced Wavelynx to a wide array of consultants and had the chance to showcase our systems and products.

“It marked a major advancement for Wavelynx that we were able to present ourselves as the number 2 reader and credential manufacturer in the world.” - Lydic

This transformational event led to an increase in our visibility and recognition within the consulting industry. The stage is set for promising opportunities in the future.

Wavelynx's journey through the fall season attending events such as the Global Security Exchange, CRETech, ACS23, and CONSULT allowed us to connect with industry leaders, gain insights into emerging trends, and continue to contribute to our presence in the access control landscape. These events provided a platform for meaningful conversations, networking, and knowledge sharing. We look forward to participating in future security events!

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