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Is Your Physical Security Falling Behind? Key Questions to Ask Yourself

September 17, 2024

Why it is smart to start investing in the stock market?

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  2. Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti
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  4. Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti

Should I be a trader to invest in the stock market?

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Odio facilisis mauris sit amet massa vitae tortor.

What app should I use to invest in the stock market?

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  • Neque sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl purus non tellus orci ac auctor
  • Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti
  • Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar
  • Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti
Is it risky to invest in the stock market? If so, how much?

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“Nisi quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae aliquet bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque velit euismod in pellentesque massa placerat.”
Tell us if you are already investing in the stock market

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In today’s digital world, much of the conversation around security is dominated by the pressing issues of cybersecurity. With daily news about data breaches, identity theft, and sophisticated hacking schemes, companies and individuals alike are hyper-focused on safeguarding their online identities. Billions of dollars are spent on firewalls, encryption protocols, multi-factor authentication, and training to protect against cyber threats.

However, in the race to protect digital spaces, physical security is often neglected. Businesses implement access control systems and assume they will continue functioning effectively for years with little or no maintenance. The truth is, just as digital threats evolve, so too do physical security threats. It's time we give physical security the same attention we give to cybersecurity. Modernizing reader technology and credentialing systems is essential in ensuring our physical environments are as secure as our online ones. 

Questions to Ask Yourself: Is Your Security Falling Behind?

If you're unsure whether your physical security is keeping up with modern threats, ask yourself these critical questions:

  1. When was the last time my access control system was updated?
    • If you’re relying on systems from years ago, your security might be outdated and vulnerable to modern attacks.
  2. Do I still use proximity cards or compromised credentials?
    • These older technologies are easier to clone or skim. If you’re using them, you could be putting your employees and assets at risk.
  3. Can my employees use mobile credentials for access?
    • Modern access systems offer smartphone-based credentials that provide better encryption and security. If you’re not using mobile solutions, it may be time for an upgrade.
  4. Have I considered a phased approach to upgrading my system?
    • Does your current system allow you to gradually upgrade without replacing everything at once? Flexible systems, like Wavelynx’s multi-technology readers, can support legacy and modern technologies, helping you upgrade at your own pace.

How Wavelynx Can Help Modernize Physical Security

Wavelynx provides the tools and technology to bring physical security into the modern age, helping upgrade your business’ reader and credentialing systems for a safer, smarter workplace. Here’s how we can help:

Mobile Wallet Credentials: Wavelynx offers mobile wallet credentials that allow employees to use their smartphones for building access. This removes the need for traditional access cards that can be lost, stolen, or duplicated. Smartphones offer advanced encryption and security features, making them harder to hack than outdated key cards.


Multi-Technology Readers: Wavelynx provides readers that support multiple credentialing technologies, including legacy systems, so businesses can upgrade at their own pace. These readers support both physical credentials and modern, more secure solutions like mobile wallet credentials.

Ongoing Security Updates: Much like antivirus software, access control systems need regular updates to remain secure. Wavelynx ensures that your systems stay updated to defend against the latest physical threats, offering scalable and flexible solutions that grow with your organization.

The Importance of Treating Physical Security Like Cybersecurity

Consider this: if you would never let your antivirus software go out of date, why would you allow your physical access system to become obsolete? Threats evolve in both the digital and physical worlds, and we need to evolve our defenses accordingly.

Modern physical security requires ongoing attention, regular updates, and the adoption of innovative technologies like those offered by Wavelynx. By upgrading your credentialing and reader systems, you not only enhance the security of your physical spaces but also align your approach to security holistically—encompassing both the digital and physical realms.

We live in an age where security threats are constantly evolving, both in the digital and physical worlds. Companies that focus solely on cybersecurity may be leaving themselves vulnerable to breaches of a different kind—physical ones. 

Wavelynx offers solutions that bring physical security into the modern era, from mobile credentials to flexible reader solutions. By giving physical security the same attention as cybersecurity, organizations can create a truly secure environment, protecting both their digital and physical assets. The time to modernize your physical access system is now—before it’s too late.

Don’t assume you're secure. Stay updated, stay vigilant, and stay protected.

Contact us to start the conversation.

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